According to a study, English people have recently revealed that porn content is increasingly being watched from mobile devices : indeed a popular and incrementing practice that already counts with over 136 billion of X videos watched in Internet through a mobile platform (smartphone and tablet).
The British institute has compared the consumption of porn from different sources : home, work and phone, to conclude that the evolution of porn-watching has been faster on the mobile platform.
With the development of 4G and hotspots WiFi, users have been able to easily surf the web from their phones. Porn contents that have become more accessible thanks to quicker and more efficient Internet connections. Plus it has to be noted that it is more discrete to watch porn from your phone rather than from the family computer…
The Study institute that has undertaken this study estimated that the amount of watched porn content should raise to over 190 billion in 2020 : an increase that could be explained by the constant development of Internet power and the democratisation of smartphones and tablets.
A number that actually represents a whopping 348 videos per user : The X industry is not willing to slowdown !